Thursday, June 9, 2011

Home alone

It is an unusual day, and an out-of-town visitor prompted the hubby to take a trip without me.  I will be meeting up with them tomorrow but I have the unprecedented event of being home alone tonight.  Usually it is me leaving him for the occasional business trip.

I am beside myself for what I should be doing.  I already took a walk and now I am blogging.  I have infinite time (ok, some time) to myself to do as I please.  I was thinking about it on my walk, and it is rare that I can say my time is my own.  I taped a bunch of movies the other night on HBO and was thinking about watching them.  I am tempted to some wine, eat my chicken breast and gorge on fruit.  I also know that the hubby has a secret stash of the best potato chips in the world in a closet.

I am reading a fun murder mystery at the moment and could read the whole thing tonight.  I need to pack but that can wait.  I need to reorient myself to a new time zone anyway.  Fun fun fun.

Oh, the possibilities.

I had an interesting discussion with one of the a friend, and it led me to believe that I have a hard time with limits.  I know it sounds preposterous at first thought since I am such an anal retentive rule-follower, but when I think about myself, I tend to think that I control my own destiny and can achieve anything.  I think it has a lot to do with the Christian Science/metaphysical beliefs that my parents taught us & the way that life has turned out.  Even with children, although we couldn't procreate, we found a way to arrange them to be in our lives because we thought it.  Deep thought for a Thursday night.

I will go work on having some glorious free time, all to myself.  I had a huge to-do list, but I think I am going to toss it out the window and relax.  Have an excellent weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm following you, and looking forward to reading about your journey! And yeah, it might not be the url that's the problem...just those two little words in the title that are getting me kicked into the searches that include Terzaghi papers and dam safety websites. heh.
