I have had periods of injury over the years - back problems, blown out knees, neck problems, broken ankles, twisted ankles, shoulder issues... I am recovering from the broken ankle now, and I am trying to find that balance with being a mom, working a full time job, and working out on a regular basis.
I have been a YMCA member for the last year, but when I go, I really do not like their equipment. The machines feel cumbersome, and there isn't a lot of space for using barbells/dumb bells. The boys hang out in front of the mirrors, building the empire of weights around them. When I am in the free weight section, I feel like a peacock in a sea of pigeons. I joined so I could also go swimming, but there are really weird men who hang out in the pools there. They leer & watch you swim, or they are aggressive and yell at you for getting in their lane. I find myself not going to the Y. Also, I have to drive there, which means either I have to go before work (and get ready there) & miss seeing my Sofie in the morning, or I can go after work, fight with the other after work people & not see Sofie at night.
Why not go back to the cross fit place, you ask? The workouts catered to men (although 70% of the clientele was female), and the women gained manly physiques. They were ridiculously expensive. When you pay for a personal trainer & they pay attention & correct your form. When you pay ~75% of the same fee for cross fit, and your trainer's attention is split between 60 people, you get hurt. Also, they only do workouts at certain times of day, and I would have to plan my day around the workout. In the past, I woke up & left before seeing Sofie in the morning, and I wouldn't get home until 7 pm at night every day. I just couldn't find the balance there.
So for the new year, with the goal of getting in shape & recovering from this ankle thing, I bought myself a Total Gym. Yes, the one with Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley. AND I LOVE IT. It fits in my spare bedroom with the stationary bike and foam roller. It came with specific exercises for women for a total body workout over 6 days. I ride my stationary bike every day, and then I go to town with the weight lifting. No, it isn't traditional iron, but in the last 2 months, I have worked out 29 days. That is awesome! Right? Also, the exercises are safe for children! So, Sofie can do a mini-workout with me each morning, if she wakes up at 5:30 (and she does). And I am getting my muscles back.
Yes, I struggle with waking up at my original target time of 4:45 am ... but I am definitely working out by 5:20 and I usually get in about 40 minutes which is significantly more than last year. The other part of my workout equation is this app called Fitocracy. It is a totally awesome weight lifting tracking app that allows you to not only track what you do, but also gives you points and badges for doing different physical challenges. It is so fun. I love reading other peoples' workouts too. And of course, you get to 'cheer' for people in their awesomeness. This weekend, I ended up working out about 75 minutes a day, and my points were so high, I am wondering if I need to try to workout longer than 40 minutes a day. Also, I find myself craving iron and am wondering if I should setup a home gym in my garage.... It is a question for another day. But I am fitting the workouts in every day, and I am so pleased with myself that I am able to see Sofie and get it done.
I'm very impressed. I think it makes a world of difference when you don't have to drive anywhere to get in your workout. It's nice when you can walk outside and start exercising, but it's easier for me to do yoga in the house, too. Or run. Though you're making me think I should bring back out the hand weights.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback, Mel. I love it that you write something every week!