Monday, March 9, 2015

Most fun toy for little girls ever - #MicroBlogMondays

After my deep connection with the universe occurred last week through meditation, a nasty virus took hold of me and I have been grounded ever since.  I am back to work on day 6 of the plague (feeling a lot better) and trying to function today.  I was drawing a blank for my post, until I remembered the super-amazing-awesome toy that my husband found for Sofie this weekend.

It is called the "Flutterbye Flying Flower Fairy" (say that 10 times fast) and it is a remote control helicopter for 5 and 6-year-old girls (and 40-something year old women). The hardest part of using it (unless you get a defective one - the first one we bought had an issue; we exchanged it) is waiting the 25 minutes for it to charge up.  Oh, and the Fairy does fly like a kamikaze pilot but so does my Sofie.

Playing with the fairy is like having a bag of pixie dust for a friend.  Cosmic.  Why did we not have these in the 80's???

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is?Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.


  1. That looks like so much fun! I need one! (I mean X needs one) And I get to continue introducing so-called "girly" toys into my household. :p

  2. UGH no joke!! Some of these toys nowadays look like SO much fun! Glad to hear you've retained your child-like joy, though! xD

  3. oh that looks awesome. I want one!

  4. That is so cool! I sort of want to get one without telling the kids and then set it loose in the kitchen.

  5. Hannah got one for Christmas. My parents couldn't stop laughing as they had just seen the below. Thankfully Hannah's fairy is still in one piece, as yet...

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