Monday, December 8, 2014

#MicroBlogMondays - Magic Moment of the Week

Yesterday, I had one of those "magic moments" that I wish I could experience forever.  When Sofie woke up, she put on this little hot pink, sequined leotard with a skirt. Later in the day, she and I were watching "Whit.e C.hristmas" together (my favorite movie), and although Sofie isn't quite old enough to watch the entire thing - she IS only five - Sofie tuned in when there was singing and dancing.   When the musical number "I'd R.ather See a Mi.nstrel Show" began, she instantly engaged.  By the time "Mandy" came on, she decided to dance with Vera-Ellen and copy everything that Vera did.  I was watching the movie and Sofie together, in similar costumes with similar expressions of joy on their faces and for that moment, time stood still.  I hoped she would love W.hite Chri,stmas, and I experienced everything I could have hoped for in that moment.

Have you had any magic moments lately?

Don't know what #MicroblogMondays is? Check it out here.


  1. It is so much fun when you find someone who loves something just as much as you do. Even better when that person is your child.

  2. What a beautiful moment! One to treasure.
