Monday, December 15, 2014

#MicroblogMondays - Christmas cookies galore

I love the season of Christmas.  Every year, I decorate the house while watching Christmas movies.  The first movie is always "White Christmas."  Phase 2 includes making Christmas food - cookies, fruitcake, chocolate truffles, apple pie - and watching more movies (National Lampoon Christmas vacation, home alone, miracle on 34th st...).  The typical cookie fare includes sugar cookies, Norwegian gingerbread cookies (pepperspisser), Norwegian sand cookies (sandnoetter), toffee bars, candy cane cookies, and sometimes spritz. This year, I discovered the melted snowman cookies which are my new rockstar favorites.  Basic 101 instructions are here.

I used Martha Stewart's perfect sugar cookies and royal icing recipes. So yummy! It will be a tradition for years to come!  My innovation for the snowmen were the tic tacs for nose, googly eyes from the store, and pretzels for the arms.  Using Martha's recipe + marshmallows yielded a taste that was creamier than a typical lemon sandwich cookie.

While we had the dough/frosting, we went crazy with other cutout/decorations.

The decorating was perfect for ages 5+.

What are your favorite Christmas cookies?  Do you have a fun-gotta-try go to?

Don't know what #MicroblogMondays is? Check it out here.


  1. I want all the cookies. Reminds me, I need to get some sugar cookie dough going so that we can decorate!

    1. If you were closer, I would have had an event. So much frosting everywhere! I also tried putting frosting in "snack size" zip bags with food coloring in the bag (seemed clever, right), sealing them, mixing them, and cutting a small hole in the corner. In theory, it worked pretty well - until the zips let loose and Sofie squirted frosting everywhere. I am grateful for hardwood floors and a non-fancy tabletop that you can wipe frosting, sugar, melted marshmallows off of.

      Oh, and my favorite moment of the adventure is when Sofie's long hair dipped in the exploded frosting goo. She had pink and blue tips!

  2. The melting snowmen are so cute! No favourite Christmas cookies, but my go-to cookie to bake is chocolate chip.
