Monday, February 23, 2015

Chasing Rainbows - #MicroBlogMondays

I always think that there is going to be more time:
  • Time to catch up,
  • Time to spend with my family,
  • Time to work,
  • Time to spend with friends,
  • Time to work out,
  • Time to sleep,
  • Time to read,
  • Time to visit,
  • Time to meditate,
  • Time to dance,
  • Time to see the world,
  • Time to build a house
  • Time to plan my life...

The time never seems to come to me, and I am always chasing it a few miles behind. I am struggling to pick the priorities. I want to help change the world. I want to make a difference. I want my time to count.


  1. Time is probably the most valuable thing we have, and I feel like I never have enough of it. In the race that is life, it's too easy to let all those things we want to do slip between our fingers. That's why I feel I sometimes need to take a step back, slow down and think through all those things I want to do and how I'm going to them, one step at a time.

  2. It's funny. I wrote the post, and the timing for my week changed. I made time to work out, to meditate, to hang out with my family... and I worked too much the last couple days (heavy project time), but I will target prioritizing the weekends for them.
