Monday, August 18, 2014

More Uncertainty

I went back to work full time last week, and I was actually able to drive myself to the office, sit at my desk all day, and drive myself home! All week! Yay! Progress!!!

I expected everyone to be as happy as I was that I was back.  I did get a lot of "Welcome Back's," but I am no longer the Project Manager on my project, and they are looking for another project for me lead.  Meanwhile, I am the new project managers "helper," (official title as told by the program manager) and I get to watch him change everything I planned.  Also, he talks about the "terrible" decisions I made a lot, has a very different communication style and his sense of urgency seems to be less than mine was. 

I have a very hard time sitting on the bleachers.  There are long stretches of time where there really isn't a lot for me to do, and I am at the point I am fantasizing about bringing in books from my reading list until something is decided.  I have sent the message up the chain about the status & my availability to work... I am hoping someone will jump soon.  My CV is updated but I am not ready to pull the trigger yet.

Meanwhile at home, Sofie is in denial about going back to school.  We had her stay home a couple weeks for "summer vacation" so she got a break from pre-school/day camp before she started real school for the next 13 years of her life.  She also isn't very happy that I am back to work either (she hid my lunch cooler this morning so that I couldn't pack my lunch & therefore couldn't go to work ).. There are many periods with a lot of crying and screeching about me leaving her.  Fun times!

She is also very health minded recently.  She asks if everything she is putting in her mouth is healthy, and then argues with us about the validity of our claims - "No, half a Hostess cupcake is not good for you, Sweetie" I say.  And then the hubby says, "But if you eat it in moderation, everything will be ok" (which I disagree with).  Afterwards, he asked me what is in a hostess cupcake, and I estimated the recipe with the worst things I could think of (bleached flour, sugar, hydrogenated oil, palm oil, etc.) and was surprised it was even worse than I thought (forgot the corn syrup & high fructose corn syrup & more). I am trying to push veggies, fruit, whole grains, small amounts of nuts and beans as healthy food.  The hubby adds in fish (I slightly disagree based on his suggested frequency), meat (disagree), poultry (disagree), dairy (disagree).  It is tricky being in a relationship where we have such different feelings about food - but he did have kidney stones (caused by excessive animal protein consumption & dairy), and he is rethinking his whole stance on nutrition... if only I could get him to read some books and stop buying salami.

This weekend, I was able to work on my garden for the first time in forever.  I am sure the neighbors threw a party (no HOA in my neighborhood) because the 3 ft. high grass was removed...

It was so fun to get out my hatchet and start whacking down the jungle.  I should have taken before/after photos.  I trimmed the tree (looked like a whole tree in the garbage can), weed-whacked the grass, pulled out dozens of ruellia vines that have spread across the yard (hundreds left), trimmed up the palm tree, reshaped the plumbago, and yanked all the weeds that I could see.  I ran out of steam after about 45 minutes, and took the remaining 15 to sweep it up (despite the wind's interference).  I realized that the wild morning glory that passed over the fence to our yard has infiltrated the ruellia so fiercely, I need another plan of attack to remove it.  Beware, little ones...

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