My ankle has been doing much better lately, and once I remembered the basic pain management protocol (don't let the pain get away from you) (thanks mom), I medicated, got it under control, and things are under control now.
I have been able to walk around with the boot more easily, and I even started being able to ride a stationary bike. That part is really exciting.
Lately, Sofie has been struggling. She has had a few changes to her life this summer - me breaking my ankles, changing from preschool to day camp, taking swimming lessons, having her Dad pay a lot of attention to me, her friends not being available like they were. I think it is a lot to process, and the outcome is that she has a very short fuse & is quick to get angry in a second. She has been overreacting to tiny things, and the tantrums seem to span days. She also refuses to get out of bed, go to camp, talk... They are tough time.
Once she gets out of her dark place, she will talk to us about what is going on with her, but we don't seem to be able to temper her reaction with our discussions. I hope that as I regain mobility & her life stabilizes with kindergarten that things will calm down.
Meanwhile, her tantrums are pretty amazing to experience.
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