A funny happened today that I had to share.
"Mommy, I want a weasel" says Sofie as we are finishing up dinner. Her dad and I look at eat other blankly.
"A weasel?" I ask, perplexed.
"Yes, a weasel." My mind is racing as I try to think of how to handle the situation. What do I know about weasels besides that they bite? And the song, "Pop goes the Weasel"
"You want a weasel," I acknowledge, still trying to figure out what to say. A book I read said I should repeat what 3 year olds say so they know I am listening. "Cats and weasels don't always get along. Weasels don't make great pets because they bite. Are you sure you know what a weasel is?"
"yes mommy." she answers in all seriousness.
"let's go look at pictures of weasels" I say, inspired. I figure if we can look at their teeth and show that all the pictures take place outside, she might drop this.
We get the iPad out and go to google images. I search for weasels. She snuggles up next to me and looks at nature pictures for a minute. I see they look more like chipmunks or squirrels than killer biting machines. They are cute. I worry a bit more about how this will end.
Then she says, "mommy, those aren't weasels".
I ask, "what's a weasel?"
She makes a blowing gesture with her hand and mouth, and we realize she is talking about whistles. Phew! Whistles are way more manageable and don't bite!
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