Sofie caught a bug from someone at school and was running a fever a couple days ago. Then the cough started, and it went downhill. When she is sick, she has a much shorter fuse & almost higher energy than when she isn't. She went to the doctor friday, and she confirmed it was a virus.
Yesterday, her dad went to play golf with friends all day, and we hung out. I hoped she would be low key since she kept us up all night coughing and crying, but she had lots of energy and my vision of a slow tv-day evaporated by 9 am. We did do a bunch of low key activities - playing barbie, legos, puzzles, blocks, coloring, and then I brought out some craft surprises... I am not really that crafty by nature, but I want to give her those opportunities to express herself in all ways so she can figure herself out later in life... Halloween is coming up, and I am sure they are covering the upcoming holiday in school, so building some masks were our task of the morning. We had markers, feathers, and a glue stick as well as paper mask cutouts. I could have sworn I bought sequin/jewels at the same time, but I sure couldn't find them. Sofie's favorite movie at the moment is "Rio" and she loves birds, so I figured we could make some neat bird/carnival-like masks (it is carnival in the movie). We started by coloring the masks, and then played with glue sticks - not the ideal stick medium apparently - but by applying a lot of glue we made the feathers stick. All in all it was a good morning.
We tried napping in the afternoon, and there were a lot of tears. She ended up not going to bed until late because we didn't do enough physical stuff with her. Her nose was running, she was feverish, and there was a lot of coughing going on so I figured a slow day would be good for her. The joke was on me.
I started feeling like I was coming down with the cold by 2:30 and have been fighting it off. We had a playdate scheduled today, but we needed to cancel ... it is a big bummer. It is American football season, and I am going to have to be the distractor this afternoon. Hopefully I will come up with something else fun to do with Sofie to keep her occupied but happy.
This morning was a winy morning. I think she still doesn't feel great.
How do you keep your kids entertained when they are sick but not sick enough to want to lie there/snuggle? I have great hopes that someday, Sofie will be a snuggler...
Now that's just not fair! Little kids are supposed to be perfectly happy with a little soup, and lots of sleep when sick, not more energy. It sounds like an exhausting day for you, and I hope you don't get sick too.