Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The handoff was pretty traumatic for Sofie. She was at her foster family's house until this morning, and we picked her up at 9:45. She was waiting in the lobby of a sky rise office building. I saw her in the window from the car, and my heart skipped a beat. As soon as she saw us, she started to cry. With their equivalent of the child protective services, we went up to a room in the building where they did the paperwork. She was subdued for a moment, and I gave her the play cell phone we brought her. She handled it for a second and when we relaxed, she made a run for an open door to freedom. We caught her and she started screaming.

We signed paperwork and brought her down to the lobby again. She continued to kick and scream while we took a family photo for CCCWA. She bawled in the car on the way back to the hotel. She roared through the lobby, up the elevator, and into our room. She was nuclear for about 2 hours. Eventually I had the bright idea of giving her a bottle of milk. We found silence and it was golden, but temporary. After the bottle, she started weeping again, eventually, she fell asleep and we got her down for a 35 min nap. Unfortunately we had to wake her to go to the bank with the guide.

She cried all the way to the bank, calling for her grandma. At the bank, we got her to calm down for awhile. When we got back to the room again, she cried some more. Eventually, I gave her another bottle of milk. She lay down awhile, didn't sleep and suddenly recovered. It was like her brain reset. We fed her some oranges and gooseberry like things and she had a few good hours. We played. She laughed. It was beautiful.

Eventually, we gave her the last bottle of milk and she crashed to sleep.

Overall, things are a-changing.
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  1. Dear sweet sister of mine! You are now a Mum! And E is a Dad! You are a complete family! Welcome to the best/worst/most fantastic life on earth!
    I'm crying my eyes out here!! With pure happiness!
    I do feel for sweet Sofie that she's havin a rough time now in the begining. But it will pass. She's with her Mum and Dad now!!
    All my love is with you, and you're in my thoughts all day and night!!

    I love you so much! Pass it on to E and my dearest niece!!
    All my love,

  2. I am so happy for you guys as I sit in my office with tears in my eyes.....Sally....you would make so much fun of me right now !! Although traumatic for her (and you guys right now)....she will soon realize you guys are hers to keep :-) Hope the rest of the trip goes well and you are all back home in Texas safe, sound and soon. Sandi

  3. That does sound traumatic for everyone involved. Is it typical for the adoptive parents to not meet the foster parents? Hope your trip home goes more smoothly.

  4. We really feel for you both and little Sofie. Given that Hannah is the same age I can just imagine that she would react in exactly the same manner. It's terribly tough but Sofie will turn a corner, hopefully soon. If Sofie likes watching tv then encourage her to do so as much as you can, it will help no end with the plane trip home! Oh and a cheap source of endless fascination for Hannah right now is a little torch, maybe you could get one for Sofie? Good luck - we are thinking of you! K, S & H

  5. She isn't that interested in TV but a flashlight could be interesting, K.

    geochick, wee did get to det the foster parents yesterday, they were heartsick, and the foster grandma hadn't slept in days. they want us to bring her back.

    Thank you, Hilde! I can't wait for you to meet her.

    Sandi, we can't wait to come home, Have had enough Chinese food & pollution & hotel rooms,

    Take care, guys.
