On another topic, today is officially day 1 of the 'eat to live' plan.
I have been doing the plan for the last couple weeks but I had a hard time committing to give up one holy grail addiction that seems to be pretty important - caffeine. Let me just say, I love coffee. I love its warmth and dark flavor. I love the smell wafting from the coffee pot. I love selecting the right mug that meets my mood and pouring my brew slowly into the cup. Yes, I burn my mouth each morning with that first sip I can't resist. I love taking my time with that first cup in the morning. I will miss it. Decaf doesn't do it for me, unfortunately. I always get heartburn.
The plan talks a lot about caffeine and it long term effects on the body. I want to be healthy and live as long as I can.
So, I gave it up the coffee cold turkey this morning. I am feeling the effects of detox already and have a major headache. I am already tempted to make a quick, small pot... To just have a single cup to take the edge off the pain of giving up my morning companion. They say the pain won't last and that I can do it. I will just have to do this one day at a time and hope for the best.
Good bye old friend.