It has been a month since I posted last. It is crazy. Once I got back to work, things became really busy.
Health wise - I am doing much much much better. The pneumonia is gone. It was a parainfluenza bug plus bacterial infection, plus sinus infection that was continuously circling through my sinuses/lung. I am still on steroids to breathe & just started some new antibiotic because my sinuses aren't the bestest yet. But, I am functioning. I am sleeping my 8 hours and "running around" the rest of the day. Ok, I am resting on weekends, but I am very active. I would say I am up to 80%. It will probably take 6 months to get the rest of the way. I am still on no-fly duty for long, international trips to India, but we do have a trip scheduled for Norway in May. I might do some work in Oslo while I am there. I am avoiding Paris for now. Oh, and we are headed for Chicagoland at some point because my grandparents are having some challenges.
At work, there HAVE been policy changes, and some parts of my job drive me crazy. I do feel like I am in a snake pit most of the time, and it is hard to know who to trust. The way the company is organized has added a lot of extra layers to get anything done, and the agility we had in the past is gone. Since I got back, my job has a different slant to it which excites me. I am getting to be creative & have innovative-thinking goals which excites me even more. I hadn't seen much draw to innovation within the last couple years, and that we are now thinking about it gives me hope we will remain technology focused. I also have been directed to start politicking & promoting myself (very uncomfortable with that). I am trying.
Enough about work - except I have put in some pretty strict boundaries about when I can work, and I have been very meticulous about respecting them. In the last 4 weeks, I only worked past 5 one day, and this is because there was a special meeting of people in town. It is really good.
Also, last week, I joined Washington Gym, which is unlike any gym I have ever seen. It isn't exactly cross fit. It doesn't have typical cardio machines. They run 5 sessions a day with groups going over different areas of the body. They use all kinds of stuff like weights, bands, rings, bars, hurdles, running, rowing, etc. I went 4 times last week, and although it was hard (and I am really out of shape), they are very respectful of boundaries and past injuries. Another interesting part with this gym is they reserve the right to "fire me" if I don't stick to the program. It definitely brings accountability to me, and I need that badly to stick to a program. The tough love thing could definitely work with me, I think.
The other part of the gym which is definitely challenging me is that they want me to follow the paleo diet. I have been vegetarian since last May, and paleo is NOT vegetarian friendly. Heck, I was vegan for a few months even. The last month I was sick, I started eating fish 1-2 times per week. That seemed like a lot of meat. Eating eggs for breakfast and tuna for lunch and fish/meat for dinner is crazy. I have been on meat overload. I wasn't eating red meat or pork per se, but I did have my first chicken on Friday (bleck) and I tried adding ground beef to my scrambled eggs like they said. I also had steak last night (like 2 oz). I am supposed to be eating a whopping 130 grams of protein a day (and 70! grams of fat). I was eating like 20-40g/day. It is a big adjustment.
This morning I broke down and had a smoothie for lunch with kale, banana, and berries. The paleo way is to add raw eggs (ick) or protein powder (really, did cavemen have protein powder??)... I used some of my veggie tricks and added hemp seeds and chia seeds. They seem to have the same fat/protein ratio I am looking for. I also tried adding almonds which is an internet trick I found. It appears there are some other paleo vegetarians out there, and I am going to try it there way before I go all meat all the time. Don't get me wrong, having a bite of beef was ok, it is just having it with every meal is so excessive. I don't like meat THAT much.
Now to the good stuff. Sofie is wonderful. Her imagination continues to grow. We have been playing castle legos for weeks, and we have built some really neat stuff. We have also had tea parties with the legos, and there is a lot of drama going on between Cinderella 1, Cinderella 2, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Prince Charming. And don't get me started about what bunny 1 did to bunny 2. LOL. And the DALMATION is so naughty. And the horse ate all the apples. Hello Kitty did something last week and she has banished to downstairs only, and Minnie is back upstairs at bed time. The stuffed bunny is hiding in a drum most of the time (who knows why???). She is growing like mad. She can turn OFF lights now too. Her 3Ts don't fit her around any more which is pretty exciting. She eats mostly meat and fruit exclusively. We got her to eat caesar salad last night. She does like plain rice and noodles still. She has been skipping "treats" at night so she doesn't have to eat her brussels, pepper, onion, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. She will sometimes take bites. Sometimes no. She has figured out a trick that if she says she is "going to pee herself" at the table ... once something beautiful has been served, piping hot, at a restaurant no less... she can run around and go to the bathroom. After last weekend, her dad doesn't believe her any more. I was on to her weeks ago at home when she would finish a meal and instead of wanting to wait for everyone to be done, she would start whining. She isn't into hanging out with us - especially if there is no treat afterwards.
Her temper tantrums have been epic. She pulls out the tears any time we do something that isn't exactly what she wants. I put in some "tuition" with SuperNanny to reinforce the right principles last weekend. It annoys the crap out of Sofie that she isn't getting us riled up in "time out" these days. She has gone to exceedingly bad behavior (spitting globs of spit on the stairs, kicking, trying to destroy the stairs, etc.). I hope she doesn't try to pee/poop on them. I am not sure if I could NOT react to that. Then again, if she has to clean it up afterwards, it might be worth it. She is a handful.
Sofie does have rhythm though, and still loves Gangham Style. I am not sure how many american kids are listening to swedish house mafia and know all the words. Lol.
So all in all, our girl is doing super. Her mom is much better. Her dad is good. Onwards and upwards.
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